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Imagine bath time that’s all smiles, fun, and memories – that’s exactly what’s ahead for you and your little ones with the US pediatricians endorsed Walnut Tree Baby Bath Visor. The visor protects your baby's face from soapy water during bath time. It can also help with water phobia and avoiding ear infections and more.

We strive to release high-quality and affordable solution-assistive-based products that promote safe, fun, and memorable experiences for parents and their little ones.
Our passion for excellence has driven us from the beginning and continues to propel us into the future. Our team at Walnut Tree Baby is eager to contribute to your wonderful experience using our products.

3911 Saw Mill Run Blvd
Pittsburgh, PA 15227 USA
Logistic Distribution Office
#228 1392 Madison Ave,
NEW YORK, NY 10029

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